Critical Reflection

 At the start, when I saw that I had to take this module on the Singapore institute of Technology website, I have to be honest I was not very happy about it. I have always disliked writing reports or going for the communication subject module as it is one of my weakest and hardest subjects. Writing reports or essays does not come easy to me, and maybe it's because I am dyslexic but I have never used that as an excuse for my weakness for English. Everytime I have to do my assignments, I always give it my best.

Another reason why I disliked this module at the beginning was because I thought it wasn't going to be very useful and I also thought that I would be learning the same thing as I did in polytechnic. After going through this module I realised that I was very wrong and that I still have so much more to learn. For example when I was in polytechnic we focused more on the content then on how to properly write a report but in your lesson you focused on both. This has made me question myself on how I have been doing my reports all this while. The key takeaway that I have learned for writing from your lesson would be the peel format and the paul elder framework. My favourite part about this module is that the assignment has many drafts instead of just writing one final report. This has allowed me to keep improving on what I have written and learning from my mistakes.

For my group project, I have to say I am grateful to my team and we did not face any conflict or issues. All of them were nice and proactive. We all also had the same mindset which allowed us to have a good team. For our project if I had to give credit to one person, it would be Lucas. When writing the report for the project I made many mistakes like in terms of sentence flow and grammar. My teammates were patient with me and helped point out the mistakes that I have made.

For our presentation, we planned it properly so that everyone would have enough content to talk about. We even discuss if you are okay with talking about their respective topic for the presentation. Everything went by smoothly and there were no hiccups. The only problem I faced would be the presentation itself. From your lesson I learned a lot of things to consider when presenting. Like keeping the information relevant, precise to the point, having hand gestures, making sure to have good eye contact and many more. When I first learned all this I was wondering how am I going to present while still doing all this. Then on the day of the presentation I thought I would be able to present way better but I was wrong. I still have a lot more to work on and maybe practice on it more like maintaining eye contact with everyone. I hope by the time I graduate I will be able to present more fluently and better than how I did for my group presentation.

Lastly, this is actually one of my favourite modules as it is not boring unlike other modules. This module was more fun, engaging and more informative then any modules I have done in polytechnic. I can say with confidence that with all the things that I have learned in this module, I will be able to apply it in the future.


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